NN Manufacturing Instructions
1175 - Peony & Orchid Arrangement Item #: 1175
Height: 21.5 In. Width: 19 In. Depth: 16 In.
Components: L IQUID ILLUSION Qty: 6.5 Item #: LI-10Z Liquid Illusion P OT Qty: 1 Item #:4022-12-09 7.5” Ginger Vase 7.5” Ginger Vase S ILK F LOWER
Cutting Instructions: Cut 3 Peony (Item 2126) 12” from the neck. Keep the 3 stems of peony. Cut 1 Dendrobium (Item 2100) from top of leaf. 1 Curly Willow
Qty: 3 Item #: 2126 Peony w/Leaves Qty: 1 Item #: 2100 Dendrobium Stem Qty: .66 Item #: 2156 46” WILLOW SPRAY
Assembly Instructions:
1. Hold in hand the 3 stems of Peony next to each other. 2 Place Curly Willow in front of Peony Stems 3. Place 1 Dendrobium next to the curly willow. 4. Place 1 Peony in front of Dedrobium as shown in photo. 5. Remaining 2 peony going front of the other peony 6. Remove the bottom leafs from each peony stem. 7. Hold all stems in hand placing rubber band
securely around all stems. 8. Place in center of vase . 9. Liquid
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