NN Manufacturing Instructions
1211 - 31” Phalaenopsis w/Decorative Vase Arrangement Item #: 1211
Height: 31 In. Width: 28 In. Depth: 19 In.
Components: D RIED Qty: .14 Item #: 3024 Bamboo Sticks (Set of 12) G LUE H OT Qty: 1 Item #: GL-01 Hot Glue M OSS Qty: 2 Item #: MO-01-Oz Spanish Moss P OT Qty: 1 Item #: 0522-small-alone 0522 medium alone S ILK F LOWER Qty: 5 Item #: 2044 Phalanopsis Stem S TYROFOAM Qty: 1 Item #: ST-0522-Small Styro 0522 Small
Cutting Instructions: No cuts Bamboo is cut at 20”
Assembly Instructions:
1. Remove leaves off of 1 Phal stem leaving the others with the leaves attached 2..Place medium bamboo stick in center of vase. 3. Place 4 remaining bamboo sticks 2 inches apart from middle bamboo surrounding the middle bamboo like a square. 4. Place Phal that does not have leaves in front of center bamboo facing you. Tie with raffia in center. 5. Place remaining Phals in front of the 4 bamboo sticks facing inward. Tie with rafia on top and middle of phal stem. 6. Middle Phal remains straight Remaining phals shape towards you curving down slightly as shown in photo.
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