NN Manufacturing Instructions

1220 - Rose, Delphinium and Lilac Mix Item #: 1220

Height: 38 In. Width: 21 In. Depth: 21 In.

Components: L IQUID ILLUSION Qty: 16 Item #: LI-10Z Liquid Illusion P OT Qty: 1 Item #: 0220 18” Large Cylinder Glass S ILK F LOWER Qty: 8 Item #: 2127 Large Rose Qty: 5 Item #: 2128 Delphinium Qty: 4 Item #: 2148 30” Lalic Spray

Cutting Instructions: No cuts

Assembly Instructions:

1. Place 5 Delphinium stems together and tie with as rubber band . 2. Place the 8 large roses around the delphinium evenly. 3. Then for every 1 rose place 1 lilac spray switching colors ex: white then purple then white 4. Place in vase 5. Liquid and S.A.S

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