NN Manufacturing Instructions

6653 - Azalea w/Vase Item #: 6653

Height: 20 In. Width: 21 In. Depth: 21 In.

Components: G LUE H OT Qty: 1 Item #: GL-01 Hot Glue M OSS Qty: 2 Item #: MO-01-Oz Spanish Moss P OT Qty: 1 Item #: 0513-S 0513 Small S ILK P LANT Qty: 4 Item #: 6067 Azalea Bush x 3 w/48 Lvs - Pink S TYROFOAM Qty: 1 Item #: ST-0513-Small Styro 0513 Small

Cutting Instructions: No cuts

Assembly Instructions:

1.) Place 4 Azalea bushes #6067 in center of vase 2. Shape as shown to achieve a full look.

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