NN Manufacturing Instructions
1073 - Dancing Lady Liquid Illusion Item #: 1073
Height: 31 In. Width: 17 In. Depth: 17 In.
Components: L IQUID ILLUSION Qty: 7 Item #: LI-10Z Liquid Illusion P OT Qty: 1 Item #: 0201 Classic Urn 8 3/4” R OCKS Qty: 1 Item #: RK-01 Rocks S ILK F LOWER Qty: 3 Item #: 2009 Dancing Lady Stem
Cutting Instructions: No cuts
Assembly Instructions:
1. Remove pointy piece off stem of Dancing ladies. 2. Remove Leaves off of 2 of the dancing lady stems, leaving one of the stems with the leaves. 3. Hold the dancing lady that has the leaves attached and surround it with 4 dancing lady stems that are left. 4. Surround that with the remaining leaves to look like a cone shape. 5. Tie that at the bottom with a rubber band to hold in place. 5. Glue in center of vase and add rocks 6. Liquid and S.A.S
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