NN Manufacturing Instructions
1106 - Five Stem Phalaenopsis Liquid Illusion Item #: 1106
Height: 31 In. Width: 23 In. Depth: 17 In.
Components: L IQUID ILLUSION Qty: 9 Item #: LI-10Z Liquid Illusion P OT Qty: 1 Item #: 0202 Classic Urn 10 5/8 in S ILK F LOWER Qty: 5 Item #: 2044 Phalanopsis Stem
Cutting Instructions: No cuts
Assembly Instructions:
1. From 1 Phal remove leaves and separate to make an opening to place the Phals inside. 2.Place 3 Phals facing you inside the leaf stems and 2 facing the 3 Phals. 3. Place the 2 roots inside the bundle of phals at the bottom of the stem. 4. Close the bundle and staple in front to hold in place. 5. Shape leaves as shown in photo . 6. Place in center of vase and glue. 7. Add rocks and place 2 stabilizers on each side to secure in center and liquid. 8. Shape as shown in photo.
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