Nearly Natural Q3 2020 Add On New Item Release



T2318 5’ Flocked Fraser Fir Artificial Christmas Tree with 300 Warm White Lights and 967 Bendable Branches in Gray Planter

T2319 57” Flocked Fraser Fir Artificial Christmas Tree with 300 Warm White Lights and 967 Bendable Branches in Tower Planter



T2280 44” Flocked North Carolina Fir Artificial Christmas Tree with 150 Warm White Lights and 545 Bendable Branches in Planter

T2330 4.5’ Flocked Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree with 100 Clear Lights and 216 Bendable Branches in Sand Colored Urn

T2331 56” Flocked Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree with 100 Clear Lights and 216 Bendable Branches in Gray Planter

T2332 4.5’ Flocked Pencil Artificial Christmas Tree with 100 Clear Lights and 216 Bendable Branches in Tower Planter

Nearly Natural • T. 800.711.0544 • F. 305.888.2198



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